Consultancy Needed - Mental Health IEC Material Video USAID MOMENTUM Program

save-the-children - Indonesia | 2024-07-26 17:06:28

Mental Health IEC Material Video USAID Momentum Program 


In April 2022, the Indonesia Ministry of Health (MoH) launched its health transformation agenda, with Primary care transformation, the first pillar, represents the government’s plans to take a more preventive and promotive approach to health, increasing access to integrated services across the life cycle by bringing quality primary health services closer to community level. The Integrasi Layanan Primer (ILP) model calls for the introduction of a more standardized continuum of care approach that focuses on prevention and promotion, connecting community health workers (and home visits) to the posyandu, then to the pustu prima (a “new” level of care that consolidates multiple community health structures), and then to the puskesmas, ensuring referrals to higher levels of care as necessary. 

The PHC transformation is focused on improving preventive services and integrating services based on the life-cycle approach, which includes the integration of mental health in each of the life cycles. In 2022, the MoH piloted the new integrated model for primary health care (I-PHC) in nine districts and identified some challenges in integrating mental health into primary care including: lack of health worker knowledge/skills on mental health and low compliance of health workers in screening their clients for mental health issues during clinical practice. 

The MoH is partnering with WHO in development and implementation of this model; MCGL will support monitoring and documentation of the pilot.  Through this de-institutionalization pilot, the MOH hopes to reduce the length of care for mental health patients in psychiatric hospitals, improve comprehensive quality of care (mental health and associated physical diseases), strengthen mental health services in the community, engage support from stakeholders and community participation for community mental health services (panti, sentra, etc), and improve availability of mental health services outside of health facilities (in schools, workplaces).  As part of its support, MCGL will also review and document effective mental health programming in Sidoarjo, East Java (one of MCGL’s focus districts) where the DHO has begun implementing community-based activities for mental health care, including mental health integrated post (posyandu jiwa), screening, home visits, and some innovative efforts at health center level. These learnings will then be shared with colleagues working on the model in Manado to refine the approaches as needed.   

MCGL is continuing discussions with the MOH, particularly Mental Health Directorate and Health Promotion and Community Empowerment Directorate, to identify other community-related activities that may be needed, including production of IEC materials for use by cadres. Based on the results of the overall pilot, including feedback from community members on how to further adjust the model to ensure greater safety, quality, and accessibility, MCGL will work with the MOH to develop a plan for model refinement and scale-up. 

Regarding this model, MCGL will hire videographer to support the audio-visual IEC material for Mental Health. S/he will be contracted under the USAID MOMENTUM from July to August 2024, where the payment will be aligned with project deliverables. The organization will review the external collaborator’s performance each installment as required by the project. 

Objectives of the consultancy 

The objective of consultancy is to develop footage and/or video of Mental Health IEC Material for USAID MOMENTUM project in Manado. 


The deliverable of consultancy is 4 videos with duration ranging from 2-3 minutes footages/videos of Mental Health IEC Material for USAID MOMENTUM project in Manado City.

Scope of Work 

The selected consultant agrees to do works as follow: 

  • Discuss with USAID MOMENTUM team and Communications Team at Save the Children and resource person to develop the script. 
  • Observe USAID MOMENTUM project location, activities and gathering ideas for video capturing. 
  • Develop 4 videos with 2-3 minutes duration with subtitle in English. 
  • Follow up feedback from USAID MOMENTUM team. 
  • Revised video based on inputs from USAID MOMENTUM team. 
  • Provision of final Product of Mental Health IEC Material Video. 

Consultancy Needed - Mental Health IEC Material Video USAID MOMENTUM Program 工作机会 2025, Consultancy Needed - Mental Health IEC Material Video USAID MOMENTUM Program 工作 2025, Consultancy Needed - Mental Health IEC Material Video USAID MOMENTUM Program 职位空缺 2025, Consultancy Needed - Mental Health IEC Material Video USAID MOMENTUM Program 职位空缺 2025, Consultancy Needed - Mental Health IEC Material Video USAID MOMENTUM Program 职位描述 2025, Consultancy Needed - Mental Health IEC Material Video USAID MOMENTUM Program 职位列表 2025 Save The Children 工作机会 2025, Save The Children 工作 2025, Save The Children 职位空缺 2025, Save The Children 职位空缺 2025, Save The Children 职位描述 2025, Save The Children 职位列表 2025 Indonesia 工作机会 2025, Indonesia 工作 2025, Indonesia 职位空缺 2025, Indonesia 职位空缺 2025, Indonesia 职位描述 2025, Indonesia 职位列表 2025, China 邮政服务 工作 2025, China 邮政服务 工作机会 2025, China 邮政服务 职位空缺 2025, China 邮政服务 职位空缺 2025, China 邮政服务 职位描述 2025, China 邮政服务 职位列表 2025



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